Using the HTTP Authenticator
194k Downloads / Month
Open Source MIT License
194k Downloads / Month
Open Source MIT License
The workflow is easy. Just create an authenticator in the first step and secure your resource by checking for credentials with a second step.
I strongly recommend using a library like PHP dotenv to store the credentials and keep usernames and passwords out of version control.
use Intervention\HttpAuth\Authenticator;
$auth = new Authenticator(
'basic', // auth type
'Secure Resource', // name of realm
'admin', // username
'secret' // password
Alternatively use methods to set properties.
use Intervention\HttpAuth\Authenticator;
$auth = new Authenticator();
$auth->withCredentials('admin', 'secret');
The package comes with several static factory methods to create the authenticator.
use Intervention\HttpAuth\Authenticator;
// create basic auth by array
$auth = Authenticator::make([
'type' => 'basic',
'realm' => 'Secure Resource',
'username' => 'admin',
'password' => 'secret',
Or create an authenticator by defining the authentication type directly.
use Intervention\HttpAuth\Authenticator;
// create basic auth instance
$auth = Authenticator::basic('Secured Realm')->withCredentials('admin', 'secret');
// create digest authenticator
$auth = Authenticator::digest('Secured Realm')->withCredentials('admin', 'secret');
After you created a HTTP authenticator instance, you have to call secure()
to secure the resource by checking for credentials. Otherwise nothing will happen.
The server will send a HTTP response with the status code 401 and the browser will ask the user for a username and a password.
use Intervention\HttpAuth\Authenticator;
// creating authenticator and checking credentials
Authenticator::make()->withCredentials('admin', 'secret')->secure();
Optionally you can provide a status message, which will be displayed to the user, when the credential check failed.
use Intervention\HttpAuth\Authenticator;
// proving custom message for users with failed credential check
Authenticator::basic()->secure('Sorry, no access.');